Energizing Business through Data Insights

Infoworld: Are you treating your data as an asset?

Contributor Paul Stringfellow explains the importance of creating a corporate culture that understands that data can help drive business success. Read article…

Infoworld: Modern IT and data science in an era of analytic deployment

Contributor Stu Bailey how IT and data scientists can build and deploy their analytics models. Read article…

CIO.com: 12 myths of data analytics debunked

From data concerns to staffing needs to technology combinations, data analytics misconceptions abound. Contributor Bob Violino gives a no-bull look at how to leverage data science to deliver bona fide business results. Read article…

CIO.com: 7 sure-fire ways to fail at data analytics

Data analytics is fast becoming the key to a winning business strategy. But without the right approach, skills, and tactics, your data initiatives may never add up. Let Contributor Bob Violino help you learn from the mistakes of others so you don't have to repeat them. Read article…

Infoworld: Dremio: Simpler and faster data analytics

Jacques Nadeau, CTO and Co-founder of Dremio, explains the revolution role Dremio can play in pulling in diverse data sources that traditional would exist outside of a data warehouse. Read article…